Folk Dance

Greek Folk Dance
It is my soul, my life; it speaks to me like nothing else.
Amartia’s family came to America from Greece. They came here to make a better life for themselves and for their future generations.
Amartia has had support and encouragement from her family for everything that she does. Her family were the ones who pushed her into joining the Greek folk dance group at Annunciation Greek Orthodox Cathedral. (Greeks? Pushy? NEVER!) Amartia was shy and really didn’t want to be put in front of people and perform. It was rough at first for her – Smiling? Makeup? All those people?
BUT eventually she grew to love it. Amartia loves knowing the steps and the stories that go behind each one of the Greek folk dances. The dance group is also where she met her best friend.
Amartia would absolutely LOVE to share that joy and passion with you. If you would like to learn the Greek folk line dance steps, she would be happy to share them with you.
Amartia can show you how to get up at a Greek festival and have the onlookers swear you were Greek. She can help you learn the rhythms that go along with the dances and even some of the variations if you want to get fancy with it!
If you’d like to let her open up your own Greek heart to you and show your feet how to OPA their way into Greek line dancing, contact her today.
Don’t worry, she won’t spray you with Windex!