This week’s post is about bellydance class yes but more from a business point of view. If your classes aren’t keeping students and sessions then it may be time to make a change in order to make sure that they do. In doing so, you have to figure out what might be causing your lack of attendance. And some changes that you can make to fix it. In this post, I am listing 5 factors that you should consider when looking at what affects your bellydance class’s longevity.
- Do you have a plan? When students enter your class, do you give them an idea of what they are going to learn in that session or in the class? i’ts ok to make adjustments based on the skill level that might happen to be in that particular class but it’s best to have an idea of what the goals are for each week. And let them know what they will be learning in the next week so they know what to look forward to and come back to.
2. Having a survey. Giving out a survey to get feedback at the end of each session can be useful. Are more students asking for combos or choreography? Is it split? Should you add a class just for that purpose? or perhaps add those elements into your class in order to satisfy both groups of students.

3. Giving opportunities for performance. It really helps students to have a goal. If there are local haflas in your area, see if you can get your students a slot. they can do the show as a group and be able to invite friends and family to see what they have accomplished in a very relaxed setting.
4. Teaching area. A lot can be said for the changes in the area in which your class occurs. If your town is dependent on a particular business and that business leaves then the “free” income of the area may change and people won’t be taking classes. It could have nothing to do with your style of teaching and everything to do with the economy. Make sure that you do thorough research on the area that you are thinking of setting up your classes beforehand. Sometimes you having to drive a little bit farther could make the difference between having a lot of students to reach out to, and not so many.
5. Expanding horizons. Offering students opportunities to study with other instructors doesn’t make them “leave you.” It actually keeps them. By offering them the chance to study another style or a folkloric dance you are expanding their knowledge base and they will appreciate you so much more!
These are the 5 factors that I have noticed in my own classes and in my local community. If you have noticed other factors, please feel free to note them in the comment section below. We can all help the longevity of everyone’s classes!
Maybe a nice environment can help too