Do Belly Dancers need a CV? Of course we do! It may seem like something you would only do for a high tech corporate job but it really isn’t. Anything that a professional does- you need to do as a professional belly dancer. And that includes having a resume.
This is something that I mention time and time again in my mentorship program. In this day and age if you want to be as successful as you can as a dancer, then you need to go the extra step. And that includes a resume.
Now, if you don’t know where to start- that’s why I’m here to help. Here are 4 things that you should think about when putting together your resume:
- Media: Have you ever been featured in the newspaper, in a magazine, on TV, on an online article, anything media related? Make sure it’s at the top of your resume. It may seem cheesy but the average client takes “as seen on TV” more seriously. Even a restaurant owner. It shows that you are a dancer who is “known.”
- Awards/Achievements: I know that there is a lot of controversy about competitions but again, to the lay person, it seems pretty snazzy. This is also where you can put any of your certifications. If you are Suhaila certified, put it on there. I know the average person many not know who Suhaila is (GASP), but it adds to your credibility.
- Notable performances: You don’t have to list every performance you have ever done but you should list the big ones. Any festivals you have performed or big venues. If you’ve opened for a DJ or a singer- that should definitely go in there. If you perform regularly at a restaurant simply put that you have danced there and the years, for example 2010-present.
- Reviews/References: 3 or 4 would do. If you have worked with someone many times and who can give you a glowing review if called would be great. Or if you have a nice statement from someone that you can include- go ahead and do so. If you’re a 5 star dancer to all of your clients-make sure your future clients know it!
Those are a few of my things but what are yours? Feel free to comment with them on this blog or to ask me any questions you may have!
i am a Greek doumbek and bongo drummer looking to get into playing for belly dancers….. my specialty is the Greek tsifteteli
Hi Tom, the best way to get in touch with bellydancers in your area is to look for local haflas to attend where you can meet them and also perhaps join in during the open dance portion so they can hear what you can do. Good luck!