I’ve been keeping it kinda serious on the blog the past few weeks and I wanted to break things up a bit with something FUN! This week’s question is what will bellydance be like in 100 years? Now I asked this question on social media and got some fun responses about being replaced by robots and things of that nature. It was quite fun! So here is my little story about what I think it will be like to be a bellydancer in 100 years.
The year is 2118, (Clearly I am not alive), bellydancers are still in high demand and we not only have different dancers from different countries but from other worlds as well. They continue to study the dancers of the ancient times ( this includes us) and everything has been remastered so that you can experience it in 3D and truly train yourself in the movements of the previous generations.

This pic is from https://www.bellydanceeugene.com/galleries/orion-slave-dancer/images/rikers-girl How awesome is it?
We no longer have to worry about travel from gig to gig as long as the transporter can get us there. In some cases, clients are willing to opt for a hologram of us performing- which keeps those in attendance from getting too handsy. In some cases they will take a lower fee in order to send a pre-recorded holographic performance. Dancers are all shapes, sizes and even species! There is even a bellydancer in the blobby world and we are all very jealous of her vibrations, belly rolls and flutters.
The props don’t just light up but they can transport you to another dimension. You can employ additional holograms as well as floating props into your performances. Static cling is no longer an issue with veils. You can use a real or holographic one. Dancers have even incorporated items from their home worlds in order to add their own flair to the dance.
So that’s what I think, what do you think bellydance will be like in 100 years? Share your thoughts below! And keep it fun!