To those of us that are in the know it may seem really easy to hire a bellydancer for a birthday party, but how do you actually go about doing that?
First of all, decide if you want a bellydancer for your birthday party. Of course, as a dancer, my response is of course you do! But a bellydancer isn’t for everyone. If you have enough room for a dancer and if you think your guests would enjoy a classy, family friendly surprise, then why not?
Step 1: There are loads of us bellydancers out there so a quick google search will help you find us. Just type in Baltimore Belly Dancer and you’ll get more pages than you know what to do with!
Step 2: Make sure you do your research. Look at all the photos and videos. I recommend doing this for the first two pages of google that you find. I know, it’s a lot but you might miss out on the dancer of your dreams if you limit yourself. Once you look at the videos and the photos, does the performer match what you envision? If yes, then contact that dancer right away!

Step 3: Most belly dancers will respond to you within 24 hours. Discuss the details of your event, how long you would like them to perform for, what you want in the performance and things of that nature. All of this information will allow them to give you a proper quote. Now, to forewarn you, we may seem expensive. In a way, we are a luxury item, but I can assure you that we are quite worth it!
Step 4: Make sure that you place a deposit with your dancer of choice to hold your time and date. We are very busy and can get booked up on the weekends very quickly. This way you know that the dancer you want is set for your event.
The next step? Enjoy the fun! You’ve hired a professional entertainer for your event, get ready to be wow’d.
Bonus? Keep in touch with her via social media and newsletters. We love repeat clients and almost always offer a discount.