by AmartiaBellydance | Jun 18, 2019 | Business Advice
Recently I posed a question to social media that I’ve been pondering a lot- and that’s giving up. Should I give up dancing? Should I give up on dance completely? Partially? I asked the following: Have you ever given up on something in dance? Have you ever...
by AmartiaBellydance | Jun 11, 2019 | Marketing Advice
With summer upon us, and vacations taking students in and out of our classes, it’s a good time to start revamping your curriculum for the fall semester. If you don’t take a break for your classes over the summer then this would still be a good time to add...
by AmartiaBellydance | Jun 5, 2019 | Business Advice
I have been noticing a lot of comments and threads on social media that are leading me to this question. Why doesn’t bellydance seem to be trending? More and more events are being cancelled or condensed, classes aren’t as full or are being cancelled...
by AmartiaBellydance | May 29, 2019 | Business Advice
In this week’s post I am going to cover some advertising methods. Summer is a great time to come up with more creative advertising ideas to boost your business for the summer parties or even for your fall return to classes. Or in this case, some conventional...
by AmartiaBellydance | May 21, 2019 | Just for FUN
This week’s post is just for FUN! I wanted to give you all a peek into my life. I am super excited because I have a fish! Now, to some, a fish might not seem like a big deal but I was never allowed to have one growing up. Not any type of pet. My brother and...