by AmartiaBellydance | Aug 13, 2019 | Business Advice
This week’s post is about bellydance class yes but more from a business point of view. If your classes aren’t keeping students and sessions then it may be time to make a change in order to make sure that they do. In doing so, you have to figure out what...
by AmartiaBellydance | Aug 6, 2019 | Business Advice
In the age of online stores and shopping, even bellydancers have to increase their online presence. And with that comes an increase of online gig request responses. So we now not only have to sell ourselves on the phone but also in our responses and messages. You may...
by AmartiaBellydance | Jul 9, 2019 | Business Advice
Quality is always better than quantity. I hear things like this from a lot of people who reach out to me for a marketing assessment: But I blog a thousand times a day, why aren’t I getting sales? Or my ad is visible on Facebook 10 days in a row, why is no one...
by AmartiaBellydance | Jun 18, 2019 | Business Advice
Recently I posed a question to social media that I’ve been pondering a lot- and that’s giving up. Should I give up dancing? Should I give up on dance completely? Partially? I asked the following: Have you ever given up on something in dance? Have you ever...
by AmartiaBellydance | Jun 5, 2019 | Business Advice
I have been noticing a lot of comments and threads on social media that are leading me to this question. Why doesn’t bellydance seem to be trending? More and more events are being cancelled or condensed, classes aren’t as full or are being cancelled...
by AmartiaBellydance | May 29, 2019 | Business Advice
In this week’s post I am going to cover some advertising methods. Summer is a great time to come up with more creative advertising ideas to boost your business for the summer parties or even for your fall return to classes. Or in this case, some conventional...