Greek Translation Treat!
Here is a Greek Song Translation treat for all of you! This song is about Love so think of it as an early Valetine’s Day present. Song Translation: S'agapo LYRICS: Greek|Phonetics|English Σ' αγαπώ Sagapo ...
Bellydancer Restaurant Roundup
Here is a summary of all the tips I’ve given about dancing in a restaurant over the time of my blog. I wanted to make it easy for everyone to find it in one convenient place! Part 1: Starting out Here are my 5 pointers to help you get started in restaurant dancing:...
How to Stop Undercutters Without Having a Back Alley Catfight
Undercutters. The subject that makes every bellydancer cringe, scream, and pull their hair out. How to handle undercutters is something that I cover in my business lectures and my mentoring program but in this post, I’ll be giving you a sneak peak as to some of my...
How to Get the Most out of Your Text Only Facebook Posts
With the new rules that Facebook is implementing with fan pages, my fellow dancers and I have had a hard time reaching those fans who like our pages much less those who have yet to discover our sparkly selves. The new rules have not only affected us but other small...
5 Steps To Get A Handle On Restaurant Holiday Pay This Season for Bellydancers
Those of us who dance regularly at restaurants know how hectic the holidays can be. You have all of your holiday party events on top of your weekly gig. Restaurants are packed with patrons who are about to go shopping, who are taking a break from shopping; grabbing a...
Unique Holiday Party Idea for Your Christmas Bash in Baltimore
So the holidays are coming up ( I know, right? It feels like it was back to school time just yesterday!) and I am sure you’re just realizing that you need to get your party planning started. You want your event to stand out from the rest and from last year’s, but how?...
Analyzing Your Belly Dance Competition Score Sheets
Ah November, the leaves are changing, the days are darker and the nights are colder. And it signals the start of the competition season. With the Pittsburgh belly-off being this coming weekend, it’s put competitions on my brain. I have the honor of being a judge this...
Belly Dance Warm Up Exercises and Drills- With Guest Blogger RENA!
How many times have we done belly dance shows without warming up first? Hmmm…..I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that probably out of 10 performances, we may have only warmed up once. I’ll also go a step further and say that the warm-up most likely consisted...
How Do You Find a Location to Teach Your Baltimore Belly Dance Class?
We’ve all been there. You have worked really hard and your mentor has said that you are ready to teach. Now what? In some cases, you may be able to teach beginner classes within the school/studio of your instructor but what if you’d like to find your own place? Or...
Why and How Should you Advertise Your Baltimore Belly Dance Business?
Advertising. It seems obvious right? You should advertise. How else will people know that you exist, who you are, and what you can do. A lot of bellydancers rely on word of mouth from friends and family members to get started and then expand from there. But what about...