It’s Not Giving Up
Recently I posed a question to social media that I've been pondering a lot- and that's giving up. Should I give up dancing? Should I give up on dance completely? Partially? I asked the following: Have you ever given up on something in dance? Have you ever stopped...
Five Innovative Approaches To Improve Your Bellydance Class
With summer upon us, and vacations taking students in and out of our classes, it's a good time to start revamping your curriculum for the fall semester. If you don't take a break for your classes over the summer then this would still be a good time to add new things...
Why Doesn’t Bellydance Seem To Be Trending
I have been noticing a lot of comments and threads on social media that are leading me to this question. Why doesn't bellydance seem to be trending? More and more events are being cancelled or condensed, classes aren't as full or are being cancelled altogether, and...
10 Conventional Advertising Methods That Even Work For Bellydance
In this week's post I am going to cover some advertising methods. Summer is a great time to come up with more creative advertising ideas to boost your business for the summer parties or even for your fall return to classes. Or in this case, some conventional ones that...
My New Baby Beta- Cinnamon!
This week's post is just for FUN! I wanted to give you all a peek into my life. I am super excited because I have a fish! Now, to some, a fish might not seem like a big deal but I was never allowed to have one growing up. Not any type of pet. My brother and sister and...
The Four Common Stereotypes When It Comes To Greek Dance
In this week's post, I wanted to address some stereotypes that I have heard about Greek Dance. Now these have come from audience members, those inquiring to hiring me, as well as other dancers. I'm going to go through the 5 most common and address them each...
Everything You Need To Know About Greek Dance
I'm sorry if the title seems misleading! I don't think I could EVER encompass everything that you need to know about Greek dance but I can try to give you a beginner's course. I'm hoping with this blog post to give you guys a crash course in a few things that are...
Why Is Greek Dance So Underrated
This particular topic is something that has been bothering me for quite some time. I am noticing that Greek style dance- bellydance or folkloric- isn't recognized as it's own form. It gets lumped along with Turkish style. Granted the Ottoman Empire did invade and...
Things You Need To Know When Traveling to Greece
I was born in the USA but my family (and my heart) is from Greece. I had to go to Greek school so yes, my life has some My Big Fat Greek Wedding elements to it. Because of my time in Greek school, I am able to read and write Greek. Maybe not as well as I would like as...
How To Keep Bellydancing From Going Wrong
As a follow up to my blog post about what happens when bellydance goes wrong, last week, I wanted to provide some additional help for those who might be thinking of hiring a dancer. I am going to include questions for everything so that no matter what type of dancer...