by Amartia Belly Dancer | Feb 6, 2016 | Tools and Tips
Here is the second post in my series on how to handle sticky dance situations. Situation 2: You are the scheduling dancer at a venue. The owner says he has a dancer he would like added to the schedule. You have never met or seen said dancer but it is the owner’s...
by Amartia Belly Dancer | Jan 31, 2016 | Business Advice
As professional bellydancers we have all been in these types of situations. I am going to write a couple of these in the next few weeks in an attempt to help other dancers handle these situations. Also, I hope that it will become an online resource when we hit google...
by Amartia Belly Dancer | Jan 24, 2016 | Tools and Tips
Given that Baltimore is currently experiencing “Jonas” or snomagedon, snopocalypse, whatever you prefer to call it, I thought I’d write about belly dance and winter. So, how do belly dancers deal with unpredictable weather? Now, just because...
by Amartia Belly Dancer | Jan 16, 2016 | Costuming/Fashion
You’ve all seen them, LED props. Wings, canes, veils, capes, and even costumes. Why not just use a prop, use one that can glow or light up! So, before we get into the opinion part of this post, let’s go into all the types: Wings: Veils: Fan Veils: Canes:...
by Amartia Belly Dancer | Jan 11, 2016 | Business Advice
No, my blog is not suddenly sponsored by Spike TV. But how cool would that be? This article is about why business owners and belly dancers should watch Bar rescue. From my point of view, this show demonstrates not only to know what constitutes a good restaurant or...