Developing a Dance Persona
This week, Bellydance by Amartia is proud to feature the fabulous Latifa as our guest blogger. We are so lucky to be Middle Eastern dancers, because of the creativity and self-expression of this dance form. We can choose what style of dance we perform, from...
How to Put Together a Belly Dance Music Set
Bellydance by Amartia has a lot of experience in choosing Belly Dance Music set lists for gigs- whether it is a restaurant show, birthday party, wedding, etc. It may seem to the outsider that it’s easy. Just put some songs together and dance to them- done! It is much...
How to Choose a Greek Song to Dance to
Bellydance by Amartia has a lot of experience in choosing a Greek Song to dance to, regardless of the performance. There are a few things to think about when choosing a Greek Song. (All of the advice herein is in the context of dancing for a Greek audience. If the...
Polite Ways to Handle a Rowdy Belly Dance Restaurant’s Audience.
Bellydance by Amartia has been in the bellydance restaurant scene for almost ten years now. In that time, she has seen and experience a LOT. How does one handle the rowdy belly dance restaurant audience? This dancer has seen her share of rowdy belly dance restaurant...
What is a Greek Belly Dance Bouzouki?
Bellydance by Amartia wrote a blog post last week about Greek Belly dance. Along with discussing the music, the speed, and the movement, she also discussed the instruments involved. In the post she mentioned the bouzouki. One of the questions that were asked from...
What IS Greek Belly Dance?
Bellydance by Amartia, what exactly is Greek Belly Dance? Is Greek Belly Dance its own style or it is closer to Turkish? What movements are specific to Greek Belly Dance? All of these are questions that I get asked a lot. For someone that grew up with it, it is a very...
Why Bellydance?
Bellydance by Amartia tackles the frequently asked question, why Belly dance? This is a question that comes up a lot for me- from family, friends, co-workers, you name it. For those of you who got to see my interview with Project Belly dance Season 1, you will know...
What do you wish your Baltimore Belly Dance clients knew about you?
As any Maryland Belly Dancer like Bellydance By Amartia knows, what a client knows or does not know about you can be taken in two ways. One it affects your ability to sell your services and two do they even know that belly dancers exist as an entertainment option....
What Greek Words Should Every Bellydancer Know?
Bellydance by Amartia provides Greek to English translation services for dancers. Knowing the meaning of a few key words can help you decide really quickly if a song is worth translating, or even dancing to, to begin with. It helps to be able to recognize a few key...
Busy Woman’s Guide to Bellydance- Guest blogger Ayperi
In this day and age, society places so many expectations on us it can leave little room for activities, like dance. In my case, I work a full-time job that takes me completely away from the dance scene, except for the occasional check-in on facebook or email. ...