by Amartia Belly Dancer | Mar 16, 2016 | Tools and Tips
Hello Dancers. This post is a little bit different. It’s not directly related to dance but to the dancer. I want to talk about taking care of YOU. I’m not talking about cross training or yoga, I mean you as a person. So often we get caught up in the go go...
by Amartia Belly Dancer | Feb 21, 2016 | Tools and Tips
This is the last one in the series and thank you all for being so responsive and great. Now to recap, you can find 1,2, and 3 (just click the numbers). This situation is another one that is gig related. Specifically a bait and switch type of situation. You arrive at a...
by Amartia Belly Dancer | Feb 14, 2016 | Tools and Tips
This post is Situation 3 of my series on helping dancer deal with those sticky dance situations that we’ve all faced at one time or another in our dance careers. For 1 and 2, click here and here. Situation 3: After having dancing for a few months, an owner...
by Amartia Belly Dancer | Feb 6, 2016 | Tools and Tips
Here is the second post in my series on how to handle sticky dance situations. Situation 2: You are the scheduling dancer at a venue. The owner says he has a dancer he would like added to the schedule. You have never met or seen said dancer but it is the owner’s...
by Amartia Belly Dancer | Jan 24, 2016 | Tools and Tips
Given that Baltimore is currently experiencing “Jonas” or snomagedon, snopocalypse, whatever you prefer to call it, I thought I’d write about belly dance and winter. So, how do belly dancers deal with unpredictable weather? Now, just because...
by Amartia Belly Dancer | Nov 22, 2015 | Gig stories, Tools and Tips
This may seem like a very odd blog post title but it’s something I had to think about recently. My trusted purple Amartia emblazoned rolling gig bag, bit the dust. It no longer zipped closed, pieces of plastic were coming off, there was a tear starting on one of...