

What’s it Like Being a CD Cover Model?

So, if you didn’t know, one of my photos was selected by Emad Sayyah to be the cover of his latest downloadable Album.  I was beyond excited when he selected 4 of my photos and then chose this one. Of course I made sure to check with the photographer to be sure that...

What is The Evil Eye?

We’ve all seen them:  on bracelets, necklaces, boats, art, heck, even on costumes, but what exactly are they? What exactly is the evil eye? Well for Greeks like me, the evil eye, known as μάτι (mati), "eye" has been a part of our lives from birth! The closest way for...

What is Zebekiko?

If you’ve ever checked out my YouTube page or been to a Greek event, then you’ve heard the word Ζεϊμπέκικο zebekiko or or Zeh-beh-kee-koh. For those of you that need timing: with a rhythmic pattern of 9/4 or else 9/8 (broken down as 1/8 + 1/16 + 1/16 + 1/8 + 1/8 + 1/8...