Have a Belly Dance Surprise for Your Party in Baltimore
Who doesn't love a surprise on their birthday? And belly dancers are the biggest surprise of all! I know, I know, people always think but it's not for a male, it's for a female or a child or (insert your myth of choice) But it's not true! We aren't just for Uncle bob...
How To Make Your Fall Party a HIT!
So what are YOU doing this Fall? Other than having pumpkin spice everything. Don't let the warm weather slip away from you so easily. Keep things hot all year round with a themed fall party. You've heard of a spring into summer party,but how about a fall party,where...
Who Can Help Me Push My Bellydance Career Farther?
How do I know where to push my restaurant career? Not everyone can "make it" as a restaurant dancer. And when I say make it, I mean juggle multiple venues at once while still managing to do everything else you want to do both inside and outside of dance. You will be...
How to Have a Unique Father’s Day in 2015
We’re a week into the month of June and you know what that means. Half of you said “Whoooooo summer vacation!” Yes, summer vacation, but also Father’s day. What should you do for Father’s Day for 2015? Well, here are 2 thoughts for you: Over the years I have been the...
Part 2 of How Bellydancers Can Rock Twitter
The other month I published a blog post with tips about how to start out rocking your bellydance career on twitter. In the fashion of my Facebook social media experiments I decided to take the twitter experience to the next level. The next thing to realize is that...
How To Prepare For a Belly Dance Performance To Live Music
So, we’ve all been there, the chance to dance to a live band or a live musician. What’s the first thing we do? Well for me it’s: Now, once my nerves have worn off and I’ve gotten the nervousness out of my system, I come up with a game plan. Find out what songs the...
Sweet 16 Birthday Parties are FUN
This seems to be the year of Sweet 16 parties for me and I just had to blog about how fun they are. Specifically Atheena’s party. A lot of people seem to think that belly dancers are only for men and only for over 40 or 21st birthday parties, but we really aren’t....
Do Baltimore Belly Dancers Need a Resume or a CV?
Do Belly Dancers need a CV? Of course we do! It may seem like something you would only do for a high tech corporate job but it really isn’t. Anything that a professional does- you need to do as a professional belly dancer. And that includes having a resume. This is...
How to Write A Baltimore Belly Dance Performance Contract
Now I know when you are first starting out, you think you don’t need a contract to do business. But as you start to do gigs and have snafus pop up, it really does start to look like a good idea. And it is. In my experience, it makes you look more like a pro to your...
Should A Belly Dance Business Tweet All the Time?
Since my Facebook experiments were so popular, I decided to move on to another social media medium: twitter. This is also a more in-depth follow up to my twitter rock star post last month. The first thing that I tackled was time of day. Yes, there are apps and widgets...